Limb By Limb

Date Gap Set Pos. Before After
6/13/979571 5/8Billy Breathes Wolfman's Brother
6/14/9711 7/10Cars Trucks Buses Bye Bye Foot
6/16/9712 1/7*** Ghost
6/19/9711 1/9*** Dogs Stole Things
6/20/9711 6/8Ain't Love Funny I Don't Care
6/21/9711 9/15Steep Dirt
6/22/971E 1/1*** ***
6/25/9721 10/11Saw It Again My Soul
7/1/9731 4/9Ya Mar Ain't Love Funny
7/10/9761 2/8Dogs Stole Things Ginseng Sullivan
7/23/9741 7/10Water in the Sky Split Open and Melt
7/26/9721 1/9*** Dogs Stole Things
7/31/9731 4/9Dogs Stole Things Dirt
8/3/9721 9/10Jesus Just Left Chicago Character Zero
8/8/9722 3/6Free Loving Cup
8/11/9731 6/8Guelah Papyrus Horn
8/14/9721 4/10Fluffhead Free
8/16/9713 5/6Lawn Boy Funky Bitch
11/19/9761 5/10Dirt Funky Bitch
11/28/9752 2/5Timber (Jerry the Mule) Slave to the Traffic Light
12/5/9751 9/10Ginseng Sullivan Character Zero
12/11/9741 5/7Dirt Loving Cup
12/31/9761 6/10Wolfman's Brother The Horse
4/4/9831 6/8Ginseng Sullivan Lawn Boy
6/30/9821 1/13*** Ghost
7/3/9831 7/11Down with Disease Water in the Sky
7/6/9821 5/9Cities Train Song
7/15/9842 1/8*** Simple
7/19/9831 6/8Ghost Roggae
7/25/9842 6/8When the Circus Comes Fee
8/3/9872 3/9Axilla Meat
8/7/9822 5/7Albuquerque Wading in the Velvet Sea
8/11/9832 3/5Meat When the Circus Comes
8/15/9823 4/6Strange Design Brian and Robert
10/15/983E 2/2Dirt ***
10/29/9841 4/10Llama Driver
11/2/9831 6/8Bittersweet Motel Wading in the Velvet Sea
11/7/9831 6/10The Wedge Fikus
11/11/9832 4/6Walk Away When the Circus Comes
11/15/9831 6/8Cavern Roggae
11/24/9851 6/9Brian and Robert Sample in a Jar
11/29/9841 6/11Horn Catapult
12/29/9822 2/5Free Also Sprach Zarathustra
6/30/9931 7/8Maze Golgi Apparatus
7/9/9961 1/8*** Farmhouse
7/16/9951 4/9Dogs Stole Things Billy Breathes
7/21/9941 5/10Ginseng Sullivan Funky Bitch
7/31/9971 4/8Back on the Train Free
9/9/9921 3/10Axilla Horn
9/11/9921 3/9Funky Bitch Dogs Stole Things
9/16/9932 6/8Mountains in the Mist Prince Caspian
9/21/9942 5/8Vultures Will It Go Round in Circles
9/25/9931 5/8Horn On Your Way Down
10/1/9941 7/8Heavy Things Cavern
10/4/9931 6/8Jesus Just Left Chicago Wilson
10/9/9932 1/6*** Also Sprach Zarathustra
12/3/9932 2/5Sand Bug
12/8/9941 1/8*** Back on the Train
12/13/9942 6/8Mountains in the Mist Golgi Apparatus
12/16/9921 4/10Lawn Boy Horn
12/30/9931 5/12Corinna Che Hun Ta Mo
5/21/0061 6/7The Moma Dance Character Zero
6/10/004E 2/2The Inlaw Josie Wales ***
6/16/0051 1/10*** Back on the Train
6/22/0011 5/9Golgi Apparatus Bug
6/29/0051 3/5Wilson Drowned
7/6/0052 1/7*** Also Sprach Zarathustra
7/10/0032 6/7What's the Use? Loving Cup
7/15/0041 3/9First Tube NICU
7/17/0011 3/20My Soul Horn
9/8/0011 2/12Mellow Mood Ghost
9/17/0061 4/9Bathtub Gin The Moma Dance
9/20/0022 2/9First Tube Dirt
9/27/0051 5/10My Soul Dirt
10/5/0051 5/10Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley Come on Baby Let's Go Downtown
1/2/0342 4/7My Friend, My Friend Thunderhead
2/14/0332 5/8All of These Dreams The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony
2/18/0332 2/7The Moma Dance Thunderhead
2/24/0341 4/7Wolfman's Brother Everyday I Have the Blues
7/8/0361 5/8Tweezer Fast Enough for You
7/17/0362 3/8Makisupa Policeman Anything But Me
7/21/0332 6/7Also Sprach Zarathustra Good Times Bad Times
7/25/0331 5/9Bathtub Gin Back on the Train
8/2/0361 9/10Vultures Cavern
11/29/0331 3/8Cars Trucks Buses Dirt
12/29/0341 4/7Anything But Me Wolfman's Brother
4/15/0431 3/10AC/DC Bag The Moma Dance
6/19/0452 4/5Gotta Jibboo Cavern
6/23/0432 8/9Brian and Robert Cavern
8/9/0442 2/10All of These Dreams Lifeboy
8/12/0432 4/7Cavern Julius
3/7/0942 2/11Rock and Roll Ghost
5/31/0921 9/13Poor Heart Wading in the Velvet Sea
6/7/0952 3/8Suzy Greenberg The Horse
6/14/0942 4/846 Days Farmhouse
6/19/0931 3/12AC/DC Bag The Moma Dance
7/30/0932 6/9Wolfman's Brother Billy Breathes
8/5/0942 3/9Down with Disease Oh! Sweet Nuthin'
11/1/09103 5/10Sugar Shack Theme From the Bottom
11/21/0931 11/12Dirt Run Like an Antelope
11/27/0941 10/12Timber (Jerry the Mule) Cavern
6/11/10112 4/9Ghost Prince Caspian
6/22/1082 7/1046 Days Golgi Apparatus
6/29/1052 6/9Weekapaug Groove Joy
8/10/1091 9/11Roses Are Free Bouncing Around the Room
10/16/10121 6/11Sand Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley
12/28/10112 4/9Back on the Train The Wedge
5/28/1151 8/12Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) Horn
6/8/1181 13/1446 Days Character Zero
8/6/11131 4/11Sample in a Jar Ocelot
8/16/1161 12/13The Wedge Let It Loose
9/3/1132 4/10Golden Age Kill Devil Falls
6/19/12132 6/11Backwards Down the Number Line Shine a Light
6/24/1241 6/12Roses Are Free Free
6/29/1221 4/13Sweet Jane Possum
8/15/1282 3/7Ghost Guyute
8/28/1282 6/9Walk Away Julius
12/29/1261 8/10Halley's Comet Wading in the Velvet Sea
7/7/1361 8/9Maze Walls of the Cave
7/19/1371 9/1046 Days Julius
8/30/13121 11/12Lawn Boy Easy To Slip
10/23/1371 11/13Horn I Didn't Know
11/2/1371 10/13Yarmouth Road Mike's Song
7/3/1482 2/8Bathtub Gin Winterqueen
7/11/1452 4/7Golden Age Fuego
10/21/14211 6/11Back on the Train Waiting All Night
12/31/14103 6/11Simple Bug
7/25/1571 7/10555 Ya Mar
8/15/15141 6/12Roggae Big Black Furry Creature from Mars
8/23/1541 4/12A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing Waiting All Night
9/5/1521 9/11Split Open and Melt Roggae
1/2/1652 3/6Sand Suzy Greenberg
6/28/1681 10/13Things People Do Split Open and Melt
7/18/16112 7/8Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley Slave to the Traffic Light
8/28/1661 10/12The Line Possum
10/18/1671 10/12Breath and Burning Cavern
10/28/1661 6/12Destiny Unbound Home
7/14/17111 6/9Everything's Right Nellie Kane
8/1/17131 12/13McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters Walk Away
9/2/1761 6/8Crazy Sometimes Wolfman's Brother
7/18/1872 6/8Joy Also Sprach Zarathustra
8/10/18141 10/12Timber (Jerry the Mule) Farmhouse
10/26/18132 4/7Frost Sand
12/31/18103 6/8Saw It Again Rock and Roll
6/11/1942 8/9Simple Slave to the Traffic Light
6/25/1991 9/11Water in the Sky Weekapaug Groove
7/10/19101 7/11Wingsuit Gumbo
12/6/19122 7/9Saw It Again The Lizards
7/28/21111 6/946 Days Wolfman's Brother
8/6/216E 2/3Sanity Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S.
6/5/22441 8/10Guyute Mercury
7/24/2281 8/9Sigma Oasis Sand
7/16/23391 6/10Gumbo The Well
7/26/2372 5/7Golden Age Golgi Apparatus
7/26/24392 6/9Ghost The Horse
8/11/24121 8/10Human Nature Axilla
10/27/24111 6/9My Sweet One Mountains in the Mist

Limb By Limb was played in the most recent show.

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