
Date Gap Set Pos. Before After
9/13/902582 5/15Magilla Goin' Down Slow
9/14/9011 6/11Paul and Silas Dinner and a Movie
9/15/9011 12/14Golgi Apparatus Magilla
9/20/9022 2/13Funky Bitch Uncle Pen
9/21/9012 3/7Magilla Colonel Forbin's Ascent
9/22/9012 7/10Bouncing Around the Room The Lizards
9/28/9011 5/10Suzy Greenberg My Sweet One
9/29/9012 5/8Uncle Pen Mike's Song
10/1/9022 5/12The Asse Festival Runaway Jim
10/3/9011 3/12Uncle Pen Divided Sky
10/5/9021 10/13Suzy Greenberg The Asse Festival
10/7/9021 3/14Uncle Pen The Landlady
10/8/9012 2/8Suzy Greenberg Hold Your Head Up
10/11/9021 4/9My Sweet One Bouncing Around the Room
10/13/9022 6/10Destiny Unbound Bike
10/17/9012 2/12Dinner and a Movie Bouncing Around the Room
10/18/9012 4/9My Sweet One Fee
10/27/9061 4/13My Sweet One Dinner and a Movie
10/31/9021 5/11The Lizards Bouncing Around the Room
11/3/9022 6/14Paul and Silas Fee
11/15/9062 4/8Cavern Tube
11/24/9032 3/12Bouncing Around the Room Eliza
11/30/9032 4/10Runaway Jim The Lizards
12/1/9012 7/9Golgi Apparatus Bouncing Around the Room
12/2/9012 6/12Foam Magilla
12/7/9011 2/9Golgi Apparatus Bouncing Around the Room
12/29/9032 5/10Cavern Jesus Just Left Chicago
12/31/9012 2/11Golgi Apparatus The Squirming Coil
2/2/9121 6/9Esther Destiny Unbound
2/4/9121 5/9Uncle Pen The Mango Song
2/8/9121 7/11My Sweet One The Squirming Coil
2/14/9121 8/11The Mango Song Lawn Boy
2/21/9152 5/11Bouncing Around the Room Guelah Papyrus
2/26/9122 4/12Dinner and a Movie Bouncing Around the Room
3/8/9161 4/13Fluffhead The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony
3/15/9131 4/12My Sweet One Dinner and a Movie
3/17/9121 10/12Uncle Pen The Lizards
3/22/9112 6/14Paul and Silas Runaway Jim
3/31/9142 4/8The Squirming Coil Uncle Pen
4/3/9122 4/9My Sweet One Esther
4/5/9122 2/9Rocky Top The Lizards
4/12/9131 7/9Suzy Greenberg Rocky Top
4/19/9151 6/12The Lizards I Didn't Know
4/22/9132 7/10The Squirming Coil My Sweet One
4/25/9112 8/11Dinner and a Movie Bouncing Around the Room
4/27/9121 11/12Suzy Greenberg Golgi Apparatus
5/9/9142 4/8Fluffhead Esther
5/12/9131 4/11Dinner and a Movie The Lizards
5/17/9121 11/16The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday I Didn't Know
5/18/9112 4/12The Curtain Take the 'A' Train
7/11/9121 6/8My Sweet One The Lizards
7/13/9122 7/11The Lizards Hold Your Head Up
7/15/9121 5/14Dinner and a Movie Bouncing Around the Room
7/18/9111 6/11Suzy Greenberg Take the 'A' Train
7/20/9122 7/12Golgi Apparatus The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday
7/23/9121 7/12Suzy Greenberg Flat Fee
7/26/9132 1/11*** Dinner and a Movie
7/27/9111 8/17Poor Heart The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday
8/3/9113 1/8*** Ya Mar
9/25/9112 2/8The Squirming Coil Sparkle
9/28/9131 6/11My Sweet One Eliza
9/30/9121 5/10Paul and Silas Colonel Forbin's Ascent
10/2/9112 7/11Lawn Boy The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony
10/4/9122 7/11Lawn Boy The Squirming Coil
10/6/9112 2/10My Sweet One Fee
10/12/9131 5/9My Sweet One Esther
10/17/9131 7/10Poor Heart Esther
10/19/9121 9/10My Sweet One Golgi Apparatus
10/24/9121 5/12Poor Heart Ya Mar
10/28/9132 4/13Dinner and a Movie Paul and Silas
11/1/913E 4/4Pusherman Jam ***
11/8/9131 4/11Dinner and a Movie Paul and Silas
11/12/9132 2/15Dinner and a Movie The Squirming Coil
11/16/9141 9/11Foam Ya Mar
11/20/9121 6/11Sparkle Paul and Silas
11/22/9121 10/11Dinner and a Movie Rocky Top
11/24/9121 3/10Paul and Silas The Squirming Coil
12/4/9122 2/13My Sweet One The Mango Song
12/7/9131 7/11My Sweet One The Curtain
12/31/9111 4/10Sparkle The Lizards
3/6/9212 4/9Secret Language Instructions Mound
3/12/9231 4/11Sparkle I Didn't Know
3/14/9221 7/13Rift Fee
3/19/9222 5/12My Sweet One The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony
3/21/9221 11/12My Sweet One Golgi Apparatus
3/24/9221 1/13*** Poor Heart
3/26/9221 6/10Sparkle Fluffhead
3/28/9221 4/14Sparkle Rift
3/31/9222 6/15Poor Heart The Lizards
4/3/9221 3/11Poor Heart Rift
4/5/9221 6/11Poor Heart Rift
4/6/9212 10/15Mound Cold as Ice
4/8/9221 9/11Uncle Pen The Squirming Coil
4/13/9221 3/11Uncle Pen The Lizards
4/15/9211 6/11Sparkle Uncle Pen
4/17/9221 4/13Sparkle I Didn't Know
4/19/9221 3/11NICU Paul and Silas
4/22/9221 8/10Mound All Things Reconsidered
4/24/9221 11/13Sparkle The Squirming Coil
4/30/9231 7/10Uncle Pen Rift
5/2/9221 10/12Bouncing Around the Room The Squirming Coil
5/5/9221 4/11Sparkle Rift
5/6/9212 2/14My Sweet One The Squirming Coil
5/8/9222 3/14My Sweet One Magilla
5/10/9221 4/10Sparkle Uncle Pen
5/14/9222 12/16McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters Cold as Ice
5/15/9211 5/13Sparkle Bouncing Around the Room
5/17/9221 8/11I Didn't Know The Mango Song
6/19/9221 3/7Suzy Greenberg The Squirming Coil
7/9/9281 6/13Sparkle The Squirming Coil
7/11/9221 5/11Sparkle The Squirming Coil
7/15/9232 5/9My Sweet One McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters
7/17/9221 3/7Sparkle The Squirming Coil
7/21/9231 5/7Sparkle The Squirming Coil
7/25/9231 4/8Sparkle Rift
8/1/9261 5/8Jam The Squirming Coil
8/14/9231 2/5Poor Heart The Squirming Coil
8/20/9241 3/6Foam The Squirming Coil
8/23/9211 2/8Chalk Dust Torture Sparkle
8/25/9221 4/7Sparkle The Squirming Coil
8/28/9221 3/7Foam Sweet Adeline
10/30/9231 9/11The Squirming Coil Sweet Adeline
11/20/9221 8/13Sparkle The Lizards
11/23/9232 2/15Poor Heart The Squirming Coil
11/28/9231 3/11Foam Esther
11/30/9211 5/11Poor Heart Sparkle
12/2/9221 6/10Poor Heart The Lizards
12/4/9221 4/11Poor Heart Glide
12/6/9222 3/13The Curtain Paul and Silas
12/8/9221 11/11Sweet Adeline ***
12/11/9221 4/11Uncle Pen The Lizards
12/13/9221 7/11Uncle Pen Rift
12/29/9221 9/12Uncle Pen Tela
12/31/9222 8/10Big Ball Jam Glide
2/4/9321 7/11All Things Reconsidered The Lizards
2/6/9322 3/15Mound Sweet Adeline
2/9/9322 9/13Big Ball Jam The Lizards
2/11/9321 4/10Poor Heart Fee
2/13/9321 7/10Rift Lawn Boy
2/15/9311 9/11Mound I Didn't Know
2/18/9322 2/12Rift The Lizards
2/21/9332 3/12The Curtain Manteca
2/21/9302 5/12Manteca The Lizards
2/23/9322 3/15My Sweet One The Lizards
2/25/9311 8/11Rift Bouncing Around the Room
2/27/9322 2/14The Curtain Poor Heart
3/2/9311 3/13Poor Heart Reba
3/5/9321 7/11Rift Sparkle
3/8/9322 4/10Uncle Pen Big Ball Jam
3/12/9321 7/11Rift Fluffhead
3/14/9321 5/10Sparkle Paul and Silas
3/17/9321 5/11Bouncing Around the Room Amazing Grace
3/19/9321 6/9Rift Fluffhead
3/22/9321 4/10Uncle Pen Bouncing Around the Room
3/25/9321 6/11Bouncing Around the Room Glide
3/27/9321 4/10Rift Reba
3/30/9321 8/11Esther Glide
4/1/9321 4/10Rift The Squirming Coil
4/3/9332 2/12Suzy Greenberg Mound
4/5/9311 7/10Paul and Silas Colonel Forbin's Ascent
4/9/9311 4/11Guelah Papyrus The Horse
4/12/9321 5/11Poor Heart The Horse
4/14/9321 6/14It's Ice Kung
4/14/9301 8/14Kung Kung
4/17/9321 4/10Bouncing Around the Room It's Ice
4/20/9321 4/10Sparkle Bouncing Around the Room
4/22/9321 7/10Esther Fee
4/24/9321 4/11Poor Heart The Horse
4/27/9321 6/10Rift Guelah Papyrus
4/30/9321 5/12Poor Heart The Horse
5/2/9321 5/11Mound The Horse
5/5/9321 5/10Sparkle Bouncing Around the Room
5/8/9331 5/12Mound Kung
5/8/9301 7/12Kung Glide
5/29/9311 4/13Rift The Squirming Coil
7/15/9321 5/10Mound Foam
7/17/9321 5/11My Mind's Got a Mind of its Own Reba
7/22/9331 10/11Poor Heart Golgi Apparatus
7/24/9321 7/10Rift The Mango Song
7/25/9311 4/12Mound Fee
7/27/9311 3/9Rift The Squirming Coil
7/30/9331 5/10Uncle Pen Esther
8/3/9331 6/11Rift The Horse
8/7/9321 4/10Poor Heart Makisupa Policeman
8/11/9331 8/10The Mango Song Sparkle
8/13/9321 5/10Foam Ginseng Sullivan
8/15/9321 7/10Paul and Silas Colonel Forbin's Ascent
8/21/9341 6/10Rift Sparkle
8/25/9321 9/11Amazing Grace Glide
8/28/9321 7/9Fluffhead The Squirming Coil
12/29/9321 8/9Sparkle The Squirming Coil
12/31/9321 3/8Guelah Papyrus Ginseng Sullivan
4/6/9431 4/9Poor Heart The Lizards
4/9/9421 9/10All Things Reconsidered The Squirming Coil
4/13/9431 3/8Poor Heart The Lizards
4/16/9431 5/8Rift Fluffhead
4/20/9431 7/8Axilla (Part II) Suzy Greenberg
4/23/9431 6/10Poor Heart Esther
4/30/9461 3/9Mound Poor Heart
5/3/9421 5/9Sparkle The Squirming Coil
5/6/9421 7/9Ya Mar Esther
5/8/9421 7/8Bouncing Around the Room The Squirming Coil
5/13/9431 5/9Mound If I Could
5/16/9421 9/10Bouncing Around the Room Sweet Adeline
5/19/9421 5/10Poor Heart The Horse
5/21/9421 6/9Mound The Squirming Coil
5/25/9431 4/11Uncle Pen Colonel Forbin's Ascent
5/28/9431 5/10Bouncing Around the Room The Horse
6/11/9441 8/8Tela ***
6/13/9411 7/9Dinner and a Movie Ginseng Sullivan
6/16/9421 9/10Dog Faced Boy The Squirming Coil
6/19/9431 8/9Scent of a Mule Golgi Apparatus
6/22/9421 8/9Scent of a Mule Golgi Apparatus
6/25/9431 5/10NICU The Mango Song
7/1/9441 5/10NICU The Mango Song
7/5/9431 7/10Uncle Pen Esther
7/8/9422 6/11It's Ice You Enjoy Myself
7/10/9421 5/9Rift If I Could
7/14/9421 4/12Punch You in the Eye The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday
7/16/9421 4/11NO2 The Lizards
10/7/9411 7/9Guelah Papyrus Guyute
10/10/9431 6/11Sparkle Guyute
10/13/9421 9/9Sparkle ***
10/18/9441 5/10Poor Heart Tela
10/21/9421 6/9The Old Home Place The Lizards
10/23/9421 6/11Poor Heart Catapult
10/23/9401 8/11Catapult Tela
10/28/9441 5/10Scent of a Mule Glide
11/2/9431 6/8Guyute Scent of a Mule
11/12/9431 6/8Guyute Esther
11/16/9431 7/11The Lizards Pig in a Pen
11/20/9451 4/10Scent of a Mule If I Could
11/28/9451 4/9Scent of a Mule Guyute
12/2/9431 7/8The Lizards The Squirming Coil
12/6/9431 7/8Sparkle Golgi Apparatus
12/10/9441 3/8Rift The Lizards
12/30/9431 6/9Simple Fee
6/7/9531 5/10Strange Design If I Could
6/13/9541 4/12Bouncing Around the Room Strange Design
6/15/9521 7/10The Wedge I Didn't Know
6/17/9521 9/9The Curtain ***
6/24/9551 7/10Mound The Horse
6/28/9531 6/8Punch You in the Eye Fluffhead
7/1/9532 5/9Uncle Pen Strange Design
9/28/9541 5/9Scent of a Mule Fee
10/2/9531 5/10Night Moves Jam Acoustic Army
10/6/9531 2/9Ya Mar Billy Breathes
10/11/9531 1/9*** The Old Home Place
10/14/9521 6/11Sparkle Catapult
10/17/9521 2/10Sample in a Jar Uncle Pen
10/22/9541 12/12I'm Blue, I'm Lonesome ***
10/27/9531 7/10Rift Fee
11/11/9561 9/12Ya Mar Amazing Grace
11/14/9522 3/11Gumbo Manteca
11/14/9502 5/11Manteca Dog Faced Boy
11/14/9502 7/11Dog Faced Boy Strange Design
11/19/9541 5/10Rift Strange Design
11/24/9531 5/9Sparkle Tela
11/28/9521 1/9*** Dinner and a Movie
12/1/9531 9/10Fly Famous Mockingbird Cavern
12/4/9521 5/11Punch You in the Eye My Mind's Got a Mind of its Own
12/11/9551 3/12Ha Ha Ha Prince Caspian
12/17/9551 7/9Tube The Lizards
12/29/9521 6/9NICU Fluffhead
4/26/9631 4/13Sparkle Cars Trucks Buses
6/6/9612 5/10Sparkle Waste
7/3/9611 2/5Runaway Jim Sparkle
7/11/9661 6/8Sparkle Scent of a Mule
7/18/9651 4/7Bouncing Around the Room Hello My Baby
7/22/9631 6/8Bouncing Around the Room A Day in the Life
8/7/9681 3/10Sparkle Ya Mar
8/14/9641 9/10Gumbo Hello My Baby
10/18/9651 5/10Cars Trucks Buses Strange Design
10/21/9621 8/10Ginseng Sullivan Waste
10/25/9631 9/10I Didn't Know The Squirming Coil
10/29/9631 6/10Bouncing Around the Room Train Song
11/2/9621 6/9Cavern The Lizards
11/7/9631 5/10Guelah Papyrus Waste
11/14/965E 1/2*** Hello My Baby
11/19/9641 6/9Mound Fee
11/22/9611 9/10Train Song Cavern
11/30/9651 5/10Bouncing Around the Room Fluffhead
12/31/9681 5/10Cars Trucks Buses The Horse
2/13/9711 4/12Also Sprach Zarathustra Walfredo
2/18/9741 6/10NICU Waste
2/20/9712 5/12Uncle Pen Bouncing Around the Room
2/25/9741 6/9Got My Mojo Working Waste
2/28/9721 6/10Peaches en Regalia Swept Away
6/13/9742 1/9*** Maze
6/19/9732 1/7*** Ghost
6/22/9731 3/9Water in the Sky Dirt
6/27/9731 3/8Chalk Dust Torture Dogs Stole Things
7/2/9732 1/4*** Llama
7/6/9731 4/9Dogs Stole Things The Horse
7/11/9731 3/7Bouncing Around the Room Beauty of My Dreams
7/22/9721 4/8Water in the Sky Bouncing Around the Room
7/26/9731 4/9Poor Heart Billy Breathes
7/30/9721 5/9Water in the Sky Weigh
8/6/9741 2/8NICU Beauty of My Dreams
8/13/9751 3/11Poor Heart Water in the Sky
11/13/9742 1/7*** Punch You in the Eye
11/23/9771 6/9Twist NICU
11/30/9742 2/7NICU Free
12/5/9732 1/7*** Bouncing Around the Room
12/9/9731 4/10My Soul I Am Hydrogen
12/30/9761 5/7Punch You in the Eye Chalk Dust Torture
4/2/9821 5/8NICU Horn
6/30/9841 6/13Tube Cities
7/3/9831 1/11*** Beauty of My Dreams
7/16/9871 3/7NICU Reba
7/24/9851 4/8Bouncing Around the Room My Soul
7/31/9851 7/7Water in the Sky ***
8/7/9851 4/10Frankie Says Brian and Robert
10/30/98132 1/7*** Manteca
11/8/9861 9/10Water in the Sky Cavern
11/15/9852 2/7Runaway Jim Mike's Song
11/20/9831 8/13Meat Train Song
11/24/9821 4/9Ginseng Sullivan Brian and Robert
12/28/9851 2/10Axilla Farmhouse
6/30/9942 10/10My Left Toe ***
7/8/9951 7/8Nellie Kane Cavern
7/26/99141 11/11Axilla ***
7/30b/9921 4/8Beauty of My Dreams NICU
9/9/9931 8/10Back at the Chicken Shack I Didn't Know
9/16/9951 11/14Beauty of My Dreams Train Song
9/19/9931 7/8Farmhouse Hello My Baby
9/29/9971 7/10Nellie Kane I Can't Turn You Loose Jam
10/10/9981 7/7Vultures ***
12/12/9991 7/8Bug Chalk Dust Torture
6/11/00171 5/9Ginseng Sullivan Dirt
7/4/00141 6/11Bouncing Around the Room The Lizards
7/14/0071 6/12Boogie On Reggae Woman Bouncing Around the Room
9/11/0051 9/9Ya Mar ***
9/23/0081 6/6Fee ***
10/6/0091 2/7Carini Boogie On Reggae Woman
1/2/0331 8/10Silent in the Morning Water in the Sky
2/18/0361 6/10Brian and Robert The Wedge
2/26/0362 1/10*** Ghost
7/7/0331 1/9*** Sample in a Jar
7/12/0341 3/8Mexican Cousin NICU
7/21/0361 5/11Water in the Sky The Old Home Place
12/1/03131 2/7Chalk Dust Torture Guyute
12/31/0352 1/6*** Seven Below
4/15/0411 9/10All of These Dreams Timber (Jerry the Mule)
6/18/0441 4/9Crowd Control Cars Trucks Buses
6/26/0471 3/8Scents and Subtle Sounds The Moma Dance
8/9/0412 6/10Seven Below NICU
8/14/0443 3/7The Wedge Free
3/6/0921 5/16Sample in a Jar I Didn't Know
5/31/0931 6/13Ocelot Bouncing Around the Room
6/9/0961 4/11Sample in a Jar Dog Faced Boy
6/12/0921 7/19Alaska Golgi Apparatus
6/20/0951 3/10Runaway Jim Ya Mar
7/30/0921 7/10Horn The Horse
8/7/0951 7/9Destiny Unbound Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley
8/14/0941 8/11Lawn Boy I Didn't Know
10/30/0931 6/12Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan I Didn't Know
11/22/0961 12/12Beauty of a Broken Heart ***
11/29/0951 8/13Water in the Sky Meat
12/3/0921 6/10Boogie On Reggae Woman Lawn Boy
12/28/0931 8/11Poor Heart I Didn't Know
6/12/1051 4/10Water in the Sky The Ballad of Curtis Loew
6/17/1031 4/11Dinner and a Movie Esther
6/26/1071 7/11In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Backwards Down the Number Line
7/2/1041 8/10Mexican Cousin Sparkle
8/9/1061 6/10Summer of '89 Cavern
8/13/1031 7/13Walls of the Cave Train Song
10/10/1061 10/11Horn Golgi Apparatus
10/15/1031 9/13Bouncing Around the Room Joy
10/24/1061 5/9Ride Captain Ride Fee
10/31/1041 9/10Boogie On Reggae Woman Character Zero
12/28/1021 7/11Pigtail Bouncing Around the Room
5/27/1141 8/11Walk Away Bouncing Around the Room
6/10/11101 5/12Weekapaug Groove Tube
7/2/1192 5/13Birds of a Feather Sample in a Jar
8/10/1161 9/12Ya Mar Funky Bitch
9/2/1151 7/14Strange Design Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley
12/28/1141 6/10The Ballad of Curtis Loew Contact
6/15/1271 9/13Ginseng Sullivan Simple
6/22/1251 8/12Alaska Llama
7/6/1291 12/17Hold Your Head Up Bouncing Around the Room
8/15/1231 7/10Rift Bouncing Around the Room
8/22/1241 6/10Bathtub Gin The Ballad of Curtis Loew
12/28/1291 6/10Tube Nellie Kane
7/3/1341 3/11Runaway Jim NICU
7/14/1371 6/10Chalk Dust Torture Scent of a Mule
7/22/1361 8/12Bouncing Around the Room Yarmouth Road
7/31/1341 11/11Ocelot ***
8/30/1351 9/12Ocelot Lawn Boy
10/18/1331 7/11Nellie Kane Ocelot
10/26/1361 7/10Ride Captain Ride Simple
10/31/1331 10/12Camel Walk Golgi Apparatus
12/29/1341 6/10The Line 555
7/1/1451 7/10555 Bouncing Around the Room
7/11/1461 10/10Waiting All Night ***
7/18/1451 11/12A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing The Squirming Coil
7/26/1441 11/12The Line Suzy Greenberg
8/29/1471 3/12Undermind Halfway to the Moon
10/21/1451 1/11*** Possum
10/27/1441 9/11Brian and Robert Party Time
1/2/1581 5/10Roggae Back on the Train
7/22/1531 1/9*** How Many People Are You
8/4/1581 8/10When the Circus Comes Lawn Boy
8/12/1561 6/10Cities Birds of a Feather
8/16/1531 7/9No Men In No Man's Land David Bowie
8/23/1531 9/12The Line Reba
1/1/1661 4/10How Many People Are You Undermind
6/22/1651 7/12Dear Prudence Round Room
7/6/1691 13/13The Line ***
7/15/1642 4/9No Men In No Man's Land Ghost
7/22/1651 10/12Blaze On Cavern
9/2/1641 6/10Heavy Things Ass Handed
10/16/1651 6/10Nellie Kane Petrichor
10/22/1641 8/11Rift Funky Bitch
10/30/1651 8/10How Many People Are You Theme From the Bottom
12/28/1621 11/12Corinna Cavern
7/16/1791 6/10Lawn Boy The Line
7/25/1761 4/5My Friend, My Friend Bathtub Gin
7/17/18171 6/7Funky Bitch Character Zero
8/11/18161 7/8Joy 46 Days
10/27/18131 1/9*** The Dogs
6/11/19131 3/846 Days Nellie Kane
6/18/1941 5/11Sample in a Jar The Wedge
7/10/19151 5/11Sugar Shack Wingsuit
11/30/1981 11/13Gotta Jibboo Plasma
7/31/21171 7/8Foam Bathtub Gin
8/7/2151 10/11A Wave of Hope Cavern
8/31/21101 7/11I Never Needed You Like This Before Weigh
10/19/2181 7/8Ya Mar Walls of the Cave
4/20/22141 6/7Strange Design Blaze On
5/27/2241 8/11Halfway to the Moon Shade
7/19/22111 4/9Halley's Comet The Moma Dance
7/29/2271 4/9Steam Steam
8/3/2241 5/12Camel Walk Bouncing Around the Room
8/10/2241 7/8Wombat Sand
9/3/2261 6/9Boogie On Reggae Woman Free
12/28/2221 8/9Tela Split Open and Melt
2/24/2351 4/9A Wave of Hope Heavy Things
4/17/2351 4/8All of These Dreams Halfway to the Moon
7/12/2371 7/8Bouncing Around the Room David Bowie
7/21/2361 6/9Bouncing Around the Room Leaves
7/28/2351 7/8Brian and Robert My Soul
9/1/23101 7/9Bouncing Around the Room Esther
10/7/2341 8/11Dirt Ether Edge
10/15/2361 8/10Mercury Leaves
12/29/2321 5/10Evolve Back on the Train
2/21/2431 7/13Halfway to the Moon Alaska
4/20/2461 3/8Tube Pillow Jets
7/19/2421 7/8NICU 46 Days
7/26/2451 9/10Ya Mar Cavern
8/6/2481 6/10Theme From the Bottom Train Song
8/18/2481 9/15Rift Ya Mar
9/1/2441 7/8Fluffhead Life Saving Gun
10/26/2421 5/9Nothing Bouncing Around the Room

Stash has not been played in the last 1 show.

Explain the headers

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