
Date Gap Set Pos. Before After
10/31/1314762 6/12Waiting All Night Snow
12/30/1351 3/10Bathtub Gin Yarmouth Road
7/5/1471 8/11Foam Divided Sky
7/15/1461 9/10Divided Sky David Bowie
7/18/1422 6/8Halley's Comet Chalk Dust Torture
7/26/1441 3/12The Moma Dance Backwards Down the Number Line
8/31/1491 2/13The Curtain With Kill Devil Falls
10/21/1432 4/9Birds of a Feather Tweezer
11/2/1492 4/7Theme From the Bottom David Bowie
7/19/16531 7/11Maze Split Open and Melt
9/2/1662 5/8Birds of a Feather Tweezer
10/31/16151 7/12What's the Use? Tube
7/18/17112 5/6Ghost Chalk Dust Torture
7/22/18261 7/9Reba Tela
8/10/18111 5/12The Wedge Guelah Papyrus
9/1/1841 6/8Wolfman's Brother Everything's Right
6/28/19341 10/12Wolfman's Brother Timber (Jerry the Mule)
11/30/1916E 3/5Kung Possum
8/11/21251 2/9You Sexy Thing Free
10/30/21231 6/13Camel Walk Guyute
6/5/22171 5/10Horn Evolve
8/10/22191 6/8Theme From the Bottom Stash

Wombat has not been played in the last 97 shows.

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