I blew my Goldfish Whistle TM. This was one of my more important inventions. In the same manner that a dog whistle makes a noise that can only be heard by creatures that can hear high frequencies, my Goldfish Whistle TM makes a noise that only can be heard underwater.
There was a huge explosion. I found myself alone in a field with the ZZYZXmobile. The sound of a plane overhead caused me to look up. The pilot had just finished his skywriting mission and I could read "SPANDEX HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES" in white smoke. Was this a compliment or a warning? Thinking about this would keep me busy on my ride.
Another thing I wanted to reflect on happened right before I went into the building. I heard TOTOA's voice from the loudspeakers, but was it really him? Or, like the other beings there, was he a demon. What do you think?
I was tired after my long day, so I started to set the ZZYZXcontrol. However I remembered how easily it was overcome so I decided I better find a place where I could lay my head. The explosion might make hotels reluctant to take in guests in the holy SPANDEXian garb; in many areas the populace believed the crude propraganda that cults tried to spread about us. I found a rest stop in Kansas, leaned my seat back, and fell asleep.
I woke to the sound of tanks. The design on them was a swastika. In the middle the symbol was a goldfish with a long white beard. That could only mean one thing. PANDEX the OLDFISH had finally managed to escape from his dimension. He was out to capture this one and only I could stop him.
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